Ok, well, I did what it said to do to upload the picture. I'm not too convinced that you can see it.
But anyway, I'm getting a new puppy! Her name is Fiona and she's a Colorado Mountain Dog. If you want to know what they are and what their history is, go to www.coloradomountaindogs.com
I haven't picked her up yet but I can hardly wait! This pic is her at barely 8 weeks. They're quite large dogs but also very docile and polite. They're 3/4 Great Pyrenese and 1/4 Anatolian Shepherd. Since I'm hoping to relocate to Colorado full time, I will be needing a dog like her, because the area I'm going has a problem with mountain lions, and these dogs are a great deterrent. Once I've raised Fiona and moved to Colorado, then I'll get a second dog as a companion for Fiona and because two large dogs have a better chance at safety if confronted w/ a mountain lion. The point is, though, to scare the lions off of your property in the first place. When Wendy moved to Colorado, a mountain lion ate all her goats and was still crouched in her barn one morning when she went out to feed her horses. She was hugging her stallion when the lion leaped over them and ran over to hide in the gulch next to their house. And the lion would NOT leave. Very scary. So she looked into dogs and discovered this breed. These dogs are dream dogs as family dogs and are soo good with other animals!
That's a huge reason I chose this breed! I need a dog that's not going to eat my hamsters, or if I were to get another research permit and be able to do another immersion study with another owl, the dog would not go after the owl. These puppies were raised with chicks, chickens, kittens, and cats and all they do is gently lick them! THAT's my kind of dog!
I hope the photo came through!
Awww your puppy is sooooo cute. I have a Golden Retriever named Katie.
I am twelve years old and have a letter i wrote for school but i don't know how to send it to you eather in an email, letter, or on this blog.
good breed combo! Aren't they raised with the flock/herd so that they bond & think they're one of them? This should be interesting to hear about! btw, I have a pair of Barn owls who took up residence in my palm tree and can hear the babies!(I live on a canyon in La Mesa by Lake Murray)My dogs are taught to look but no touch("not for dogs"!)Good luck on your move(hate to lose a fellow Cali-girl!)
Fiona is absolutely GORGEOUS! I'm so happy for you, and look forward to more pics of Fiona after she arrives.
Today my own little Wesley arrived in the mail. Wow, he is so adorable. He will have a special place on my bed (which has a wildlife theme) during the day, and maybe on my nightstand at night. My husband might think it a bit strange if I actually slept with Wesley. It's so neat to be able to imagine the real Wesley as a baby. Will you come out with an adult Wesley collectible? I hope so.
Best wishes,
Beautiful! I read a great book last year about the mountain lions in Colorado (Boulder area) that was really, really eye opening. It's called The Beast in the Garden, if you're interested. It definitely taught me to respect these magnificent cats a whole lot more.
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